Saturday, May 15, 2010

What do I DO

What Do I DO

What do

I do when my mind is on fire

My emotions are like a tornado

But I still feel as flat as a blank piece of paper

Its like

I still havn’t got “it”

I’m still not connected

I haven’t realised meaning

Or perhaps

It means I will never know?

You see

Not know is a strong force

Not now is stronger but

Cruelty is stronger than kindness

Strength is keeping me down

And another thing ..

There is a Queen ruling my mind

Housing my body

Who has never sought my permission

From Me

No licence

No positive mission

No role in my soul

But is high emotional maintenance

I am a high and low emotional junkie

I buy into that

Ebbs and flows

Like life itself

My source of life in motion

An estuary that

Feeds an ocean